P.T Amarta Jaya Telekomindo is a Contracting & Trading Company specialised in Telecommunication, IT Infrastructure, and System Solutions with its Head Office in Jakarta, Indonesia. Established as Indonesian Company under the Law of Republic of Indonesia. The Company owned and managed by a group of Professionals specializing in Telecommunication and IT Technology.
The Professional Staff possess a wide range of Background, Experience and Academic Qualifications as reflected in the Scope of Services which the company offers.
The company, together with specialize business Partners and Principles practices in the development fields of Telecommunication & IT Infrastructure, Multimedia Communications, Electronic Low Voltage System Solutions (Building Automation, Hotel Management & Operations System Solutions), Telecommunication Tower Constructions, Outside Plants, Main Switches Office, IT Equipment, Integrated Command Center & Video Management System, and including the respective Facilities.
P.T Amarta Jaya Telekomindo has developed its skills from the expertise, qualifications, and experience of its management and professional staff practicing in contracting services business in the field of Telecommunication Engineering, Construction and IT technology to accomplish its mission core values to connect more than 250 million people throughout Indonesia archipelago across more than 17,000 islands by means of telecommunication mobility technology as the most effective solution for the people in all society to communicate through voice, data and/or video.
The Management Team has been designed solely to serve the purpose of delivering high quality of services and equipment supply to our clients, while at the same time thriving to achieve minimal standard of defect which able to translate all achievements into higher value for money to Customers.
In short, the Management Team is committed to running highly professional way of operational management System and project implementation, in order to deliver excellent quality of service & equipment supplied, which in turn translates into a highly competitive pricing and much higher level of Client satisfaction.
The executive Management Team of the company undertaken by the member of Board of Directors, which in turn is supervised daily by Commissioners who represent the shareholders.

To be the first preferred Contractor and Supplier for all kind of Telecommunication & IT Infrastructure, Building Automation and Electronic Low Voltage System Solution projects in Indonesia.
To support our clients in achieving their business objectives by providing added-values solutions and construction services through our core values:
Excellence: We strive for quality assurance, continuously evolve, and utilizing advanced technologies.
Teamwork: We insist on mutual respect, cooperation and mutual encouragement to achieve individual’s potential
Integrity : We act with reliability, trustworthy and fairness
Commitment: We are fully dedicated to delivering our objectives through the most efficient use of resources and compliances
Sustainability: We are committed to safeguarding all customers, including the health and safety of our employees, society and the environment as a whole
Accountability: We are fully accountable for carrying out our responsibilities in accordance to the values and government principles